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2020 Playing Season

2020 was decimated by the regulations put in place to combat the Covid-19 pandemic

We did manage to play some bowls and reports of what did do are recorded here.

Playing Records by Priory Teams in 2020

WSBL  & CUPS  P  0

B TEAM   P  0

FRIENDLIES   P  13   W  5  D   0   L    8

ALL TEAMS    P  13   W  5  D   0   L   8

No matches were played in the WSBL 2020


No matches were played in the Stracey/Brodie 2020


Tarring Priory Cup Games 2020

No Club Competition matches were played in  2020

 SCB Abergavenny 

   WSBL PC CUP    

   BE Club 2 Fours  

       BE Top Club     

Outdoor Friendlies 2020

We played a few friendlies against local clubs in 2020



Indoor Friendlies 2019-20

The indoor programme was also decimated but we did manage to win the Challenge Cup back from Goring Manor.


Only the Triples league and a Special 2 Wood pairs Comp were competed for




Keith Brinsmead, Emilio DiPietro, Butch Shakespeare, Michelle Slater & Ray Baker


The 2020 Tipsters Challenge was not played for

SCB and BE Comps 2020

No National Competitions took place in 2020

Tarring Bowls Club - Cheque pres 2020-4.
Tarring Bowls Club - Cheque pres 2020-5.

Even in these difficult times the Ashdown Centre is managing to run a virtual summer holiday programme.  Zoom sessions with live entertainers and workshops are taking place over the next few weeks.  The centre will start gradually re-opening from September, and initially this will be for 6 children per session.  As agreed, the money you raised will go towards activities for the summer holiday programme, so we will use if to support the Ashdown children this way.  Please let your members know, and once again, pass on our thanks.

Alison Laurie

Trust and Foundations Fundraising Officer

Lest we forget . . .

Ray Roberts RIP


It is with the deepest regret that I have to share the news that Ray Roberts lost his fight with cancer on the 22nd July 2020. It had been a very hard few years for Ray as the illness took its toll on one of those guys you just couldn’t ignore. Love him or otherwise Ray was not a man to hide his light under a bushel.

Yes, Ray Roberts was a man who definitely wore his heart on his sleeve. When he was bowling you always knew what sort of day he was having, good or bad, through his body language and he wasn’t afraid of calling a digging implement a shovel either!

These attributes were brought well to the fore when refereeing in the FA County League. This was indeed a good standard of refereeing and Ray continued to keep the peace on pitches around the county well into his 60’s. He was in fact the longest serving ref at this level. He did love his football and for many years he was in charge of Beckett Athletic FC.

In his working life Ray was an electrical engineer specialising in catering and industrial refrigeration and working all over the world. He happily leant his skills to our bowls club if we needed him to. It is really as a bowler at Tarring Priory BC, Worthing Indoor BC and with the West Sussex Tourists that we all knew Ray. As well as his electrical skills he also brought his own brand of man-management to Priory by first running our Friendly squad and then our West Sussex Bowls League Div 2/3 side. He succeeded in taking the side up from Div 3 in his first year in charge. Ray was a good draw bowler,  evidenced by his name against the 2 wood Singles Championship at Priory in 2012.

Ray leaves behind 3 sons, Mark, Nick and Paul, who between them gave him 5 grand kids who he loved dearly. Ray lived for a long time with his partner Norah Fisher- an inspirational lady who was Mayor of Worthing not too many years ago. Sadly, Norah died and Ray’s life was less without her.

Gus, Ray’s surviving brother, is also a stalwart of the bowling scene and they made a good partnership. Gus had the cunning to keep Ray’s ‘more to the point’ attitude in check – they were quite a team.

Ray Roberts – we will miss you. RIP

Joe Peters RIP

Our one and only Joe Peters has passed away. His daughter Denise phoned me advising me that he died in the nursing home on June 17th. He had had a scan around 2 weeks ago and the doctors gave him around 2 months to live. He only had a fraction of that and is now at peace with his lovely wife that he missed so much after her death.


Joe was a life member at Tarring Priory and I don't think we'll ever find another Joe. He just did so much - Bar work, Pavilion maintenance, Working on the Green, Crowd control, Friendly Captain, Stracey Captain - if it needed doing Joe was always first in line. Nothing was ever too much trouble. 


If you met Joe you'd be hard put not to remember him - he was a truly remarkable man - the roughest of diamonds - but what a gem.


Joe's funeral took place on the 6th July at Worthing Crematorium. Any donations in Joes memory should go to the RNLI or to St Barnabas c/o Ian Hart Funeral services


A good turnout of club members assembled by the tennis courts to pay their respects to Joe on his final journey past the club on the 6th July.

Reminders of Priory bowlers who  passed away in 2019 can be found in the club archive pages.

Brian Price, Brian Knight

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