Tarring Priory Bowls Club
Worthing, West Sussex BN13 1HQ
Established 1937


Roy Barclay,Keith Brinsmead, Wally Burrows, Peter Caswall, Emilio DiPietro,
Nick Eager, David Fairs, John Fairs, Michael Fairs, Eric French, Ted Hood,
Chris Ide, David Levey, Stuart Logan, Derek Meechan, Alan Messer,
Derek Ridley, John Schools, Stuart Shwartz, and Matthew Smith
All may wear their County Blazer Badge

Congratulations to Roy Barclay on gaining the necessary points for the SCB Blazer Badge

The rules for the award of County Blazer Badges were revised at the SCB AGM 2015:
a.Award of County Badge
To be awarded a County Badge a player will be required to achieve one of the following:
(i) Be selected and play in a Middleton Cup Match;
(ii) Be selected and play in three Home Counties League matches;
(iii) Reach and play in the final of the County Singles, 2 Wood Singles, Pairs, Triples or Fours;
(iv) Be the winner of the Champion of Champions, the Unbadged Singles or the Under 25 Singles;
(v) Achieve a total of nine ‘credit points’ earned as detailed in para c. below.
(vi) Be elected President of Sussex County Bowls - Men’s Section.
NB: Any other Officer who is not a County badged player, will automatically be entitled to wear the County Blazer Badge for the duration of his time in office, but will no longer be entitled to wear the County Blazer Badge when he leaves office – unless - during that time he has become a County badged player, is elected as an Hon. Member, or is authorised by the GPC to continue to wear the County Blazer Badge.
b. Award of County Colt Badge and Middleton Cup and Home Counties League Flashes
(i) On achieving a total of four ‘credit points’ a player shall be awarded his County Colt Badge.
(ii) On completion of a player’s first Middleton Cup match he shall be awarded a Middleton Cup Flash.
(iii) On completion of three Home Counties League matches a player shall be awarded a Home Counties League Flash.
c. Credit Awards towards the County Blazer Badge
(i) In the County Singles, 2 Wood Singles, Pairs, Triples or Fours:
(a) Reaches the last eight in their division - providing he has played at least 2 previous rounds – a credit of – one point.
(b) Reaches the last four in their division – providing he has played at least 2 previous rounds - a credit of - one point.
(c) Reaches the quarter final – providing he has played at least 3 previous rounds - a credit of – two points.
(d) Reaches the semi-final – providing he has played at least 4 previous rounds - a credit of - two points.
(e) Reaches the final – providing he has played at least 4 previous rounds - a credit of - three points and the award of a County Badge.
(ii) In the Champion of Champions or Unbadged Singles:
(a) Reaches the semi-final – a credit of - two points.
(b) Is a losing finalist – a credit of – two points.
(iii) In the Under 25 Singles
(a) Is the losing finalist – a credit of - two points.
NB. These points are accumulative, round by round.
(iv) In Home Counties League Matches
(a) A player will be awarded a credit of – 3 points - for each Home Counties League match that he is selected for and plays in.
d. Award of Under 25 Flashes
On completion of any combination of three Home Counties League or White Rose Trophy matches a player shall be awarded an Under 25 Flash.
e. Administration of the Award of County Badges
(i) On transfer from one system to the other any player who:
(a) Has been awarded colts badge will be given - a credit of – four points.
(b) Is currently in possession of two credits under the current system will be given - a credit of – six points.
(ii) Points may be accrued over a period of six years. At the end of each year the number of points that was gained six years ago will be reduced by a maximum of two
f) Vice Patrons
Vice Patrons who have played in four VP games over a minimum period of three years will at the end of that time receive a Vice Patrons badge to be worn on their blazer.
a. Selection Committee Members and Responsibility for Selection
(i) International Trial matches, County Matches and other County nominations: - The Selection Committee shall comprise of The President, Vice President, Immediate Past President and Hon. Match Secretary together with two members from each of the Four Division who are to be elected at the AGM by members of the Executive Committee voting only for nominees in their Division. The Hon. Secretary and Junior Vice President shall also be in attendance together with the MC/HCL Manager and Under 25 Manager as required. Seven to form a quorum.
(ii) HCL & MC Matches: The General Purposes Committee shall appoint a Team Manager who may have up to two nominated assistants approved by the General Purposes Committee for the Home Counties League and Middleton Cup matches. The Team Manager will notify the Selection Committee of the players who will form the HCL and MC squads. He will then with any assistants, manage and select teams for all HCL and MC matches. He will also be empowered to adjust the composition of the squad to cover non-availability of players or to recommend the inclusion of additional or replacement players to the squad.
(iii) Other County Matches: The Selection Committee shall select the players required for non HCL or MC County Matches from players nominated by their respective Clubs, Badged players to be shown separately, it having been first ascertained by the Divisional Selectors that such players are available and will play if selected. The Committee have the power to invite any strong player or players to complete a County Team although not nominated by a Club.
(iv) Executive Matches: The Assistant Secretary shall be responsible for submitting the names of available players for Executive Matches to the President and Vice President. The President will select his rink and the Vice President the other rinks.
(v)Under 25 Matches: The General Purposes Committee shall appoint a Team Manager to manage and select teams for all Under 25 matches.