Tarring Priory Bowls Club
Worthing, West Sussex BN13 1HQ
Established 1937
Tarring Priory Bowls Club - The Future
Click on the Members Only Page for Important Updates
For some considerable time your President Derek Ridley and Honorary Secretary John Fairs with the agreement of the Club Governing Committee, following discussions with Members at our Annual General Meetings, have been pressing the Local Authority for action in relation to the possibility of enhancing the Club Pavilion as well as providing accommodation for Ladies and those with disabilities.
Latterly with the help of our Local Councillor Tom Wye, the Council were persuaded to carry out a feasibility study the result of which can be viewed using the links further down the page.
If this project is to continue there must be agreement amongst the Members as it will involve changes to how the Pavilion is run.
In order to obtain the necessary funding grants changes for the future use of the clubroom must be made, particularly in the closed season, when certain Community Organisations would be granted use of the facilities. Although the management of the building would remain our responsibility.
The next meeting with the Council is to take place on Tuesday 18th July, before we progress matters further we need to know we have the continued support of the Membership. If any Members are not if favour of proceeding further with the proposal, will they please let us know as soon as possible.
In the event of the proposal going ahead Volunteers will be asked to put their names forward for consideration to form part of a small Development Group to carry the project forward. Knowledge of and experience in the areas required, from buildings and all that is entailed through to fundraising. If you feel that you have anything to offer please put your name forward.
Both Derek & John will be pleased to hear from you.
Click Derek's name or picture to send him an email.